Information Literacy and Analyzing Fake News…

Although produced 5 years ago, this video content is totally relevant today!  And it ties directly into your plans for college and career success!

Regularly practice of information literacy is all about making you a better student researcher, a better workplace professional i.e.the consummate C.R.A.P. detector.

Always sharpening your research skills is critically important, not only from an academic perspective, but also from a professional one as well.

We’re living in a dynamically changing digital society, unintentionally governed by information overload.  If you want to master your academic and professional information universe, then you’ll have to adopt within your life skill set information literacy practice and methodology.

Remember, your campus reference librarian is a master of the information universe.  They know this stuff backwards and forwards!

So,  it’s in your best interest to add them to your professional network and consult with them on a regular basis, both as an undergraduate, graduate, and working professional.

Information Literacy

A Word to the Wise...

An Academic Pearl of Wisdom

Whenever a college student faces an academic and/or social challenge, they often ask a peer or a friend first for advice.

And that’s okay.

However, resolving the issue to your best advantage often requires consulting with an academic advising professional as well.

Your academic adviser knows the campus academically, administratively, and socially.

And what they don’t know, they can point you to the person who does know. Include this strategy in your current plan for college success.

And we're always available to help as well!


Academic Advising

Disclaimer Reminder: A college student's first line of inquiry should always be with their campus academic adviser. College Success Life Advising Sessions provide additional problem-solving options to undergraduate and graduate students for further exploration on their individual campuses. Students should always consult their assigned adviser not only during the course selection process but periodically to keep apprised of programmatic changes, testing requirements, course additions/deletions, GPA modifications, etc.

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