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Think about this for a moment…Do you consider your academic adviser an optional or key player in your college success plan?
Unlike high school, where you had to wait forever to see a guidance counselor, a campus academic adviser is an interactive, key member of your college and career success team.
And you can always contact them either by appointment, text, email, or phone call.
They know the rules of the game i.e. how to have a successful collegiate academic experience.
They also know how to navigate the campus system, pointing out alternative success strategies along the way.
Believe it or not, you have options.
And consulting regularly with an academic adviser can put your mind at ease to solve many of the problems you may encounter.
Campus Information Guru—Your Academic Adviser
In theory, academic advisers are all knowing about college adjustment, academics, and campus life.
And if they don’t know, then they know how to direct you to the individual who does know.
In reality, you may have an altogether unique experience with your academic adviser.
Perhaps you haven’t made that connection yet. Or you have and you’re not necessarily that happy with your choice.
After all, academic advisers are human beings and function like everybody else, some good, some bad, and others, just mediocre.
If, in fact, you don’t have a compatible working relationship with your academic adviser, then maybe you should make a change.
First, check with your college student handbook about the process for changing academic advisers.
Then ask several upperclassmen who would they recommend and why?
Keep in mind that you’re looking for someone who knows how to access the information you’ll need specifically to achieve your college and career objectives.
Most of all, it is really important for you to have on your team an academic adviser you can trust and whose advice you respect.
The name of the game today is to pull together an academic support team of on and off campus advisers who can and will assist you in achieving your college and career goals.
And they definitely don’t have to know each other.
You’ll be at the center of that constellation of professionals, all eager to help you succeed.
Making a change could be as simple as just emailing a request for a change of advisers to your campus’ Academic Advising Office.
However, before you send that email, check out the potential candidates for yourself.
If circumstances allow, even give some thought to “interviewing” them.
Is there good chemistry? Do you feel comfortable in their presence?
This is about building a long-term, interactive relationship and not a drive-by counseling session.
MAXIMIZING YOUR OPTIONS![Academic Advising](https://collegesuccesslife.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/business-counseling-YL6N38G-200x300.jpg)
Remember, you are laying the groundwork for building your own personal college and career network.
Don’t wait until your junior or senior year to begin this process. If you’re already a junior or senior, then there is no time like the present to begin!
Building a diverse collaborative of advisers as you begin your college journey is a solid investment in your future.
Finally, if you run into a campus administrative problem, take care of it immediately.
Help, on campus, is always available. Use your campus resources.
You’re already paying for them, so make them work for you!
#collegesuccesslife #collegestudents #academicadvising #college
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An Academic Pearl of Wisdom
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Whenever a college student faces an academic and/or social challenge, they often ask a peer or a friend first for advice. And that’s okay.
However, resolving the issue to your best advantage often requires consulting with an academic advising professional as well.
Your academic adviser knows the campus academically, administratively, and socially.
And what they don’t know, they can point you to the person who does know. Include this strategy in your current plan for college success.
And we’re always available to help as well!
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Disclaimer Reminder: A college student’s first line of inquiry should always be with their campus academic adviser. College Success Life Coaching Advising Sessions provide additional problem-solving options to undergraduate and graduate students for further exploration on their individual campuses. Students should always consult their assigned adviser not only during the course selection process but periodically to keep apprised of programmatic changes, testing requirements, course additions/deletions, GPA modifications, etc.
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