Yikes…New College Student Orientation

New ;Student Orientation

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College Admissions – It’s Official–So What’s Next?

Updated: March 2021

You just received your official admissions notification. You’re in… what a relief!

At first, you’re overwhelmed with joy.

Then you check out the financial aid package…

Well, not what you were hoping for… however, it is the #1 school on your priority list.

You still have time to explore other financial options.

Hopefully,  you received enough student financial aid to cover the full cost of tuition/fees plus 50% of your room and board charges.

In any case, you’re relieved and a little anxious at the same time.

New Student Orientation

Included in your notification are links to the New Student Assessment and the New Student Orientation programs.

Both are mandatory and require your immediate attention.

At most colleges and universities, new students must complete math and writing/English assessments prior to attending a New Student Orientation session.

This establishes your readiness baseline for taking the math and English courses required to meet your overall graduation requirements. 

However, assessment policies/procedures differ from campus to campus.

Once you submit your enrollment deposit, then you’ll be able to access New Student orientation and assessment appointment information.

Also, you’ll have to sign up online using your student I.D. # provided in your official acceptance notification from the college.


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New Student Orientation Benefits

Attending your college’s New Student Orientation program provides you with many benefits, choices, options, and opportunities to plan your college success strategy.

In a nutshell, the goal of New Student Orientation is to provide you with all the information to make a smooth transition to college life.

Talk about information overload!!

In any case, during New Student Orientation, you’ll receive an enormous amount of additional information.

Orientation Advice

Listen carefully, be proactive, and, most of all, ask plenty of questions.

New Student Orientation sessions can last anywhere from 1 to 5 days, depending on your particular college campus.

Here are just some benefits you’ll receive from attending New Student Orientation:

  • Hear all about your campus community, its resources, student activities and student academic support services.
  • Get your official campus student I.D. card.
  • Discuss academic and career goals.
  • Explore academic offerings and programs.
  • Meet and discuss course selection/schedule with your academic adviser.
  • Learn about your overall graduation requirements and those in your specific major.
  • Learn how to manage your academic progress tool–the Degree Audit.
  • Officially register for your semester classes.

All things considered, attending New Student Orientation may, in fact, be a fun time. At least, it will be a very informative learning experience.


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5 Key Tools for Academic Success

And while you’re having that good time, be on the lookout for specific academic policy presentations that address “academic” options you can use to plan your academic success.Stay Connected

For example, every campus has, at least, 5 key academic policy tools new students need to know and use when necessary.

If you face an academic challenge, using the right policy tool can be an absolute lifesaver!

Although these policies are listed in your college student handbook, your academic adviser is the best interpreter of those policies!

They know the strategies required to effectively use them in meeting academic challenges you may encounter along the way.

So get to know your academic adviser.  No personal chemistry…you can always make a change. And visit them regularly.

What’s most important is that you have access to the information you need to manage your academic life as you move forward to earning your college degree!

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Now to Recap…

Take your math and writing/English assessments prior to attending a New Student Orientation session.
New Student Orientation

And make sure you attend an early New Student Orientation session so you can take advantage of course offerings and time availability.

Most campuses offer New Student Orientation sessions at strategic times throughout the summer.

Also, check your college’s orientation schedule for details and updates before finalizing any summer vacation and/or work schedule plans.

And remember, your academic adviser is your primary information guru if you run into any unintended academic and/or personal challenges during the upcoming semester.

Congratulations and Best of Luck!

Have a great academic year!

#collegesuccesslife #newstudentorientation #collegestudents #college #academicadvising #advising


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A Word to the Wise…

An Academic Pearl of Wisdom

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Whenever a college student faces an academic and/or social challenge, they often ask a peer or a friend first for advice.

And that’s okay.

However, resolving the issue to your best advantage often requires consulting with an academic advising professional as well.

Your academic adviser knows the campus academically, administratively, and socially.

And what they don’t know, they can point you to the person who does know. Include this strategy in your current plan for college success.

And we’re always available to help as well!

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Stop - Free Download


Don’t leave without downloading your FREE copy of the 5 Keys to College Academic Success!

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Disclaimer Reminder: A college student’s first line of inquiry should always be with their campus academic adviser. College Success Life Coaching Advising Sessions provide additional problem-solving options to undergraduate and graduate students for further exploration on their individual campuses. Students should always consult their assigned adviser not only during the course selection process but periodically to keep apprised of programmatic changes, testing requirements, course additions/deletions, GPA modifications, etc.

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*Affiliate Disclosure: Our primary goal at College Success Life is to get you access to the information you need to fulfill your college and career goals. Most of the information we provide is FREE.  Some, like recommended books, you have to purchase.  In order for us to continue to provide you with FREE College Success Life info, we include affiliate links throughout our website whereby if you purchase an item, we earn a small commission from our affiliate partner – at no cost to you.  So don’t worry, we’re very selective in choosing our affiliate partners! Thanks for supporting our FREE content.

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