Writing College Research Papers: 5 Key Tips
Writing college research papers demand skills that most high school students do not possess. Transitioning to college writing takes practice.

The Benefits of Using a Note-Taking App
Using a digital notetaking app can improve the study habits of busy college students. Several on the market are free and offer an extensive number of benefits. Definitely worth the exploration to find out which one best suits your individual needs.

Academic AdvisingCollege AdvisingCollege Success LifeInformation LiteracyStudent Support ServicesStudy Strategies
Using College Academic Resources
Using the right college academic resources can make working smarter much easier than typically struggling to meet academic challenges. We offer 15 resources we think every college student should use regularly as they plan their pathway to college and career success.

Academic AdvisingCollege AdvisingCollege Success LifeGraduationStudent Support ServicesStudy Strategies
The Impact of Covid 19 on Final Exam Season
The unprecedented pandemic has upended final exam season for most college and university students across the country, no doubt causing elevated stress and anxiety levels.

College Success Life Smart Study Tips
Writing a research paper or studying for a final exam is often an overwhelming experience. Knowing how you learn can help you filter out the best study strategies to use.

Final Exam Study Routine Strategy
Having a final exam study routine strategy is a prerequisite for achieving success in college. There is no set formula for creating one. Everyone learns differently. Not having one only serves to compound the anxiety most students experience during final exam season every year.