College Career Services and Student Engagement
Career Service centers on American college campuses provide an exemplary service to college students which they, ironically, undertutilize.

Your College Graduation Checklist
It's college graduation checklist time. Get yours in order so you can really celebrate one of the best days of your life!

Yikes…New College Student Orientation
Yeah! You've been accepted to college. Got your financial aid letter. Now you have to plan for attending New Student Orientation. Lots of information, lots of information overload...what is a new student to do!

New Student Orientation In The New Normal
New Student Orientation is your first introduction to your responsibility as a student on your chosen college campus. In 2021, most colleges and universities will have a challenge developing programs to accommodate our evolution from the pandemic crisis. Pay close attention to your college's emails and follow their instructions accordingly.

The Benefits of Using a Note-Taking App
Using a digital notetaking app can improve the study habits of busy college students. Several on the market are free and offer an extensive number of benefits. Definitely worth the exploration to find out which one best suits your individual needs.

Academic AdvisingCollege AdvisingCollege Success LifeInformation LiteracyStudent Support ServicesStudy Strategies
Using College Academic Resources
Using the right college academic resources can make working smarter much easier than typically struggling to meet academic challenges. We offer 15 resources we think every college student should use regularly as they plan their pathway to college and career success.